administrative city - 英中 – Linguee词典 (2024)

It is better late than never. Has the UGC been

[...] [...] awaken to this fact that it is not producing the type of educated men which we have been looking for, and not providing the type of quality education which Hong Kong is supposed to have as a special administrative city?

不 過,教資會是否已醒悟過來,明白它並非在培育我們一直在尋覓的有良 好學養的學生,而它亦沒有為作為特別行政區的香港,提供一套香港應 有的優質教育呢?

The Chief Executive simply does not

[...] have the political or the administrative experience to head a significant city.

政長官完全 缺 乏 導大 市 的政治

products market as administrative enforcement department at the city level (there [...]

is no such department at the central administration


level) z Council of culture: The department at the prefectural county level responsible for cracking down on copyright piracy.

z 文化委员会:地县一级的打击盗版行为的主要负责部门。

The Administration advised that adopting the operational mode of MCs for


DCs, or devolution of

[...] specific executive functions to 18 district administrative regions in a compact city like Hong Kong would run the risk of fragmenting [...]

responsibilities and diminishing efficiency.

政府當局表示,在香 港這個如此密集的 城 市中,局的作 模 式應用 於區議會,或把特定政職能下 放予18個地方 行政 區,恐怕會 使權責過於分散,減低效 率 。

Enhance the operation of ECF to promote collaboration with relevant local and international bodies in


projects to raise the

[...] Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s profile as a leading green city as well as to [...]

strengthen international


and regional collaboration to address environmental challenges.

加強環境及自然保育基金(環保基金)的運作,促進與本地及國際 團體攜手推行項目,以提升香港特別 政區 為環 城市 導地 位,並鞏固國際與區域間的合作,共同應付環境問題的挑戰。

Parade Permits, Administrative Guide, the New York City Police Department.


But in my opinion, for a special administrative region like Hong Kong, a city that does not have to care about national defence and foreign affairs, a proper balance [...]

should have been achieved


with the appointment of 12 Directors of Bureaux to manage all kinds of affairs.

當然,有些議員說再增加數局會 更好 ,但我覺得以香港這樣的一個特政區一個無須理會國防、外交 來說 ,有 12 位局長處理那麼多 事務,應該已經平衡得很好了,大致上來說,局長只是兼顧兩個範疇。

President, to raise the Hong

[...] Kong Special Administrative Region's profile as a leading green city being hailed as a quality city with quality [...]

life, maintain Hong


Kong's status as a metropolis, and promote experience sharing among cities on environmental issues, the Government proposes to inject $1 billion into the ECF, a statutory trust fund, to support educational, scientific research and technology demonstration projects and activities in relation to environmental and conservation matters.

主席,為提升香政區 備優質 城市、 優質 生活的環 城市 地位,亦維持香港作為國際都會的地位,促進城市之間在環境問題上的經 驗交流,政府建議向基金這個法定信託基金注入 10 億元,為有關環境及自 然保育的教育、科研和技術示範項目和活動提供支援。

Our community has

[...] higher priorities to debate on than the administrative routine of rearranging city districts, or fiscal policies for narrowing [...]

the affluence


gap when almost everybody is better-off.

較諸重劃市區㆞域分界的行 政例行工作,或正當乎㆟ ㆟較為富裕時而辯論收窄貧富懸殊差距的財政政策,我們的社 會還有其他更迫切的事項須要辯論。

Alleviation of pressures on the resource base of other regions, ensuring the future provision of services from

[...] areas beyond city administrative areas.

缓解其它区域资源基础的压力 保城 理区外区域未来的服务供应。

They are claimed

[...] before courts, administrative bodies, municipal actors, local institutions, city charters and [...]

human rights institutions,


as well as before regional bodies and in interventions before trade and investment tribunals or WTO panels.

这些诉请被提起至下列机构:法院 政机 市政机构 、地 方机 市宪章和 人权机构,以及区域性机构;在贸易和投资裁判机构和世界贸易组织的争 议审议机构的案件中,也可能涉及这些权利。

Regarding the Laguna City incident, even the Commissioner for Administrative Complaints has [...]

pointed out that the authorities are partly to blame.

麗港,連務申訴專 員亦指出,當局有部份 是做錯了。

(b) Law on the principles of urbanism and territorial settlement, No. 835 from 17.05.1996, which provides for the main principles of efficient management and planning, and the


responsibility of the local public authorities in the

[...] development of their administrative units (village, town, city, municipality).

(b) 关于城市规划原则和属地居住原则的第 835 号法律(1996

[...] 年 5 月 17 日 通过)规定了高效管理和规划的主要原则,以及地方公共管理部门在设立(村、 乡、镇、)各级政单面所 担负的责任。

The New York City Police Department has issued an "Administrative Guide" (the Guide) for processing applications [...]

for parade permits.

市警察部就處 理巡遊活動許可證的申請發 行政 指引》(Administrative Guide)。

After speeches by Messrs Juan-Carlos Torres, CEO of Vacheron Constantin; Pierre-François Unger, State Councillor in charge of the Department of


Economic Affairs and Health; and

[...] Pierre Maudet, Administrative Councillor for the City of Geneva, guests [...]

were able to wander around


the four floors of the Manufacturein order to admire the artist’s works.

在江诗丹顿行政总裁陶睿思、国家经济及健康安全部顾问Pierre-François Unger内瓦行政顾Pierre Maudet完成致词后,一众贵宾能自由穿梭于楼高四层的制表厂内尽情参观,为每件珍贵的工艺品发出倾慕之 情。

Under the Administrative Code of the City of New York, a procession or parade organizer [...]

shall write to the Police Department


for a permit at not less than 36 hours previous to the forming or marching of the procession or parade.

根據《紐市行政法 (Administrative Code of the City of New York),遊行或巡遊活動的籌辦 者須在遊行或巡遊隊伍組 [...]

成 或出發前不少於 36 小 時,以書面向 紐約市警察部申領許可證。

At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly reiterated its determination that any actions taken by Israel, the occupying


Power, to impose its

[...] laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Holy City of Jerusalem were [...]

illegal and therefore null


and void, and called upon Israel to cease all such illegal and unilateral measures; and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/20).

大会第六十四届会议重申确定,占领国以色列为将其法律、司法 和行路撒城而任何 行动都是非法的,因而一概无效,不具任何效 力,并吁请以色列停止所有这种非法的单方面措施;并请秘书长向大会第六十五 [...]

届会议报告该决议的执行情况(第 64/20 号决议)。

Public interest is declared: (a) for national interest works – by the Parliament; (b) for


local interest works of

[...] the territorial administrative unit – by its council; (c) for the public interest of more than one raion and/or municipalities – by their councils, and in case of divergences – by the Government; (d) for public interest works of more than one city and/or village in [...]

one raion – by the


councils of the cities and/or villages, and in case of divergences – by the raion council.

上文所述为满足公共利益而实施的公用工程包括:(a)为满足国家利益而实施的 工程――得到国会的批准;(b)为满 地方 政区 地方 公共 利益而实施的工 程―得到行政区的批准; (c)为满足一个以上的省和/或自治市公共利益 而实施的公用工程――得到相关各省 /市议 会的 批准 (如有分歧,由中央政府决 定);(d) 为满足同一个省内一个以上的市和/或村公共利益而实施的公用工程―― 得到市和/或村议会的批准(如有分歧,由省议会决定)。

Taking the six stones already identified as the boundary stones of the City of Victoria as an example, administrative measures have been in place to protect them which are situated on Government [...] [...]

land and are of historical value, albeit they are not declared monuments.

(四) 對於非建築物的法定古蹟,在經過古蹟辦的專業評審及諮詢古諮 會的意見後,古物事務監督亦可根據《古物及古蹟條例》予以保 護。

The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the Organization’s leadership and managerial capacity; improve the human and financial resources


management expertise of

[...] programme managers and staff with administrative responsibilities; upgrade [...]

the information technology


skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills.

预算文 件第 29C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的

[...] 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 政管理职责的工作人员的人 资源 理专 门知识;提高秘书处工作人员的 信息技术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支持职业发展和提高实务技能。

Some are defined in the Penal Law of New York State, and others can be


found in statutes such as the Vehicle and

[...] Traffic Law or in local ordinances, such as the New York City Administrative Code.

一些違法行為是紐約州刑法(Penal Law of


New York

[...] State)所定義的,另有一些違法行是由其他法規定義的,例如車輛和交通法(Vehicle and Traffic Law)或紐約城市管條例New York City Administrative Code)地方法規。

Within the organizational structure of the United Nations, the GCO was administratively and substantively part of the Executive


Office of the Secretary-General until

[...] 2008, when the administrative functions were [...]

transferred to the Executive Office of the Department of Management.

在联合国的组织体制中,在 2008 年之前,GCO 在管理上和实质上属于秘 书长室的一部分。

Constructed the pet by the electronic label technology "the electronic pet sign", "the electronic pet sign" center has used the newest wireless radio frequency technology, pet's each kind of information like master name, address, pet's name, pet's type, pet's picture, pet's immunity situation, pet's information storage and so on annual


inspection in "electronic pet sign"

[...] center, but the city administrative personnel through [...]

the computer grasped read-write


based on the PDA palm on may wear "the electronic pet sign" in the long-distance range relaxed inspection pet, carried on the highly effective management to the pet.

由电子标签技术来构建宠物的“电子宠物牌”,“电子宠物牌”中采用了最新的无线射频技术,将宠物的各种信息 如主人姓名、住址、宠物的名字、宠物的种类、宠物的照片、宠物的免疫情况、宠物的年检等信息存储在“电子宠 物牌” 中, 城市管理 通过 基于PDA掌上电脑的手持读写器就可以在远距离轻松查验宠物佩戴的“电子宠物牌”,对宠物进行高效管理。

In addition, it is proposed to reclassify one Local level post to the National Officer level for a Facilities Management Officer to


provide technical documentation, design

[...] preparation and administrative support in the [...]

management of ECA facilities, and to


provide the required value engineering for the lighting, the heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and architectural-related installations (ibid., para. 18A.117).


[...] 将一个当地雇员员额改叙为本国干事职等设施管理干事,负责非洲经委会设施管 理方面的技术文件、设计 ,并 为照 明、供暖、通风和空调系统以 及建筑相关安装提供所需价值评估工程(同上,第 [...]

18A.117 段)。

Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding


artists; (d) explore means to minimize

[...] staffing and administrative expenses in the [...]

operation of arts programmes so that


the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.

關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當


局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家;

[...] (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的 政開,以便把 節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 [...]



作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的願景。

Moreover, meetings of the Committee on Conferences may be required in compliance with paragraph 6 of resolution 35/10 A, by which the General Assembly decided that all proposals affecting the schedule of conferences and meetings made at sessions of


the Assembly are to be reviewed by the

[...] Committee when administrative implications [...]

are being considered under the requirements


of rule 153 of the rules of procedure of the Assembly.

此外,委员会可能需要按照大会第 35/10 A 号决议第 6 段的规定举行会议,

[...] 大会在该项决议中决定,大会各届会议上提出的一切影响到会议日程的建议,应 由委员会在按照大会议事规则第 153 条的规定审政问时予以审 查。

Undeniably, the Central Authorities should give Hong Kong people absolute confidence, because the territory is not an independent city but a special administrative region of China.

無可否認,中央首先要給香港人絕對的信心,因為香港不是一 個獨立城市,是中國的一個特別 行政區 ,中央 政府 絕對 有責任協助香港 人面對一切困難,相應地亦有一切權力保障香港一切的繁榮安定, 政制各方面,絕對能行使其權力。

Constructed the pet dog by the RFID tag technology "the electronic roof frame", "the electronic roof frame" center has used the newest wireless radio frequency technology, pet dog's each kind of information like master name, address, dog's name, dog's type, dog's picture, dog's immunity situation, dog's information storage and so on annual


inspection in "electronic roof frame"

[...] center, but the city administrative personnel through [...]

the computer grasped read-write


based on the PDA palm on may wear "the electronic roof frame" in the long-distance range relaxed inspection dog, carried on the highly effective management to the dog.

由电子标签技术来构建宠物狗的"电子狗牌","电子狗牌"中采用了最新的无线射频技术,将宠物狗的各种信息如主人姓名、住址、狗的名字、狗的种类、狗的照片、狗的免 疫情况、狗的年检等信息存储在"电子狗牌 " 中, 城市管理 通过 基于PDA掌上电脑的手持读写器就可以在远距离轻松查验狗佩戴的"电子狗牌",对狗进行高效管理。

While associations can be formed

[...] freely without any administrative restrictions, [...]

they are not granted legal capacity that


would allow them to take action before the courts, nor are they allowed to make purchases or to hold or administer the dues from their members, the premises used for their administration and meetings of their members, or the buildings strictly necessary for the achievement of the association’s aims (art. 6).

尽管个人协会可以不 自由 组建 ,但不具备进行诉讼的法律能 力,也不能有偿获取、拥有或支配其成员的会费、用于办公和成员集会的场所, [...]

以及实现其目标所必需的不动产(第 6 条)。

an institution which is prepared either to fully administer a case under the UNCITRAL


Arbitration Rules or

[...] to provide certain administrative services of a technical and secretarial nature describe in its administrative procedures the services [...]

offered; such services


may be rendered upon request of the parties or the arbitral tribunal.

准备根据《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》完全管理一个案件或者提供某些 技术性质或秘书处性质行政服务 的机 构,应当在 行政程序 中说明 所提供的服务;此类服务可以应各方 事人 或仲 裁庭请求而提供。

administrative city - 英中  – Linguee词典 (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.